Fenway Stadium Seating Mount Stabilizing Brackets. You are purchasing a set of 2-3 Fenway Stadium Seating Bat Seat Feet™- constructed of Finished Oak Wood. These Fenway Stadium Seating Bat Seat Feet™ are designed to fit the Single Leg Style FLOOR MOUNTING stadium seats removed from Fenway Stadium Park in Boston, Massachusetts home of the Boston Red Sox. Each set of our Patent Pending Bat Seat Feet™ comes with 2 Bat Seat Feet™for single seat or 3 Bat Seat Feet™ for 2 seats connected together. All Hardware Included... Satisfaction Guaranteed or your Money Back! If you need more than 3 Fenway Stadium Seating Bat Seat Feet™ Brackets contact us at 888-789-5550 to place order...